Taeyeon Gallery - Bio & Pics

Stage Name: TaeYeon (태연)

Birth Name: Kim Tae Yeon (김태연)

Group Position : Leader & Main Vocalist

Nicknames : Umma, Ajumma, Kid Leader, Tete, MungTaeng (Dumb Taeyeon), Taeng, Byeon Taeng

Languages : Korean (Fluent) , English, Chinese (Basic) , Japanese (Basic)
DOB: March 9, 1989
Homeplace : Jeonrado Jeonju
Height: 162cm
Weight: 44kg
Blood Type: O
School: Jeonju Art High School
Hobbies : Swimming
Casted: 2004 SM 8th Annual Best Contest (Best Singer 1st Place Grand Award)
Training Duration: 3 Years 3 Months
School: Jeonju Art High School (전주예술고고등학교) [graduated]


- 2004 Featured with The One You Bring me Joy (Part 2) - 2007 CF Gamevile Mobile Stone in the Water - 2008 DJ for MBC ‘Kangin & Taeyeon’s Chinhan Chingu’ (with Super Junior Kangin) - 2008 OST for KBS drama Hong Gil DongIf (Manyage/ 만약에)‘ - 2008 MV Lee Byul – ‘Forever - 2008 OST for MBC drama Beethoven VirusCan You Hear Me‘ - 2009 Variety show MBC We Got Married(with Jung Hyung-don) - 2009 DJ for MBC radio ‘Taeyeon’s Chinhan Chingu’
 - 2009 OST for MBC drama Heading to the GroundIt’s Love‘ (with Sunny) - 2009 Model for ‘A-Solution’ cosmetic (with Tiffany) - 2009 CF Post Cereal (with Tiffany & Sooyoung) - 2010 MC for KBS2 talk show ‘Seung Seung Jang Goo (Win Win)’ - 2010 Musical ‘Midnight Sun’ from the movie Taiyou no Uta(as Kaoru Amane) - 2010 Voice Actor forDespicable MeKorean title: ‘Superbad’ (as Margo) - 2010 Featured with The One ‘Like a Star - 2011 OST for SBS drama Athena: Goddess of War I Love You‘ - 2011 Featured with Kim Bum-soo Different

    Taeyeon’s talents came from her parents…Her dad was a vocalist in a band, and mom had won children’s song competitions when she was young. Taeyeon’s parents are very supportive. They let their children decide for themselves. Because of that, Taeyeon learned to take care of things on her own. Her Father once said, Taeyeon, ever since, has always been taeyeon(Calm). Her brother once said, when Taeyeon was in middle school, she was already an ahjumma. Taeyeon thinks she would burden the girls if she let them see that she’s upset over something, that’s why she keeps so many secrets/problems. Taeyeon used to travel from Seoul to her home almost everyday on her trainee days. School work is the main reason. Taeyeon never played with dolls, she played tops, robots and cars.. Taeyeon once dreamed of becoming an announcer. She said she wanted to take over the world. Taeyeon was hospitalized last March(not sure about the date) and due to her absence, Sooyoung replaced her in Chinchin. It was once asked on Taeyeon,”If you and your boyfriend broke up, where will you go?” She answered, “The most quiet place in the world , I will calm down my mood alone” Once when she was recording a solo, Taengoo did not sing well and she could not reach the high notes. She tried recording it again many times but it was the same. She cried. Everyone was shocked to see Taeng crying. Fany, who couldn’t walk that time due to lef injuries wanted to walk towards her to comfort her but HyoYeon stopped her from doing so. Taeng later said that she didn’t do well and she cried because she was worrying about someone. Taeyeon once said, “No one believes I haven Fall In love before” Taeyeon is actually taller than Sunny by only “2cm” Taeyeon phone was once lost and it was found inside the refrigerator Taeyeon’s favorite song from their first album is “Merry-Go-Round”. Taeyeon is a sleep talker. Taeyon used to play RF online. Taeyeon is a fruit Peeler expert. Taeyeon cherishes her phone and her online games. Taeyeon once wanted to quit as SNSD’s Leader. Taeyeon knows how to play starcraft and her favorite race is protos She i a good pen spinner She is the dorkiest girl group leader. She loves gummy bears. She is a fan girl of Rain Bi. She once said that she likes wearing long sleeved pajamas because she feels more secured with them. She maid their chant, “Right now, It’s SNSD” Kim Taeyeon Literally means “The Great Beauty” Taeyeon literally means, “Calm” Taeyeon’s favorite number is 9. Seohyun somehow brainwashed her because she now likes Keroro. She likes to have a mushroom as her house. Taeyeon has a very bad memory. Taeyeon ran away from their dorm during her trainee days because of exhaustion. Taeyeon’s ideal guys is the one who’s humerous and has a good skin. Taeyeon is the type who hides her sadness in smiles. Taeyeon once dreamed to be a math teacher.  She likes cactuses!  Taeyeon and Fany are Wife-Wifw couples. She hates aegyo. She once said she had a hard time being cute in “Gee”  She became a model of her parents’ optical shop.  She doesn’t like long haired boys. Taeyeonn likes the movie, “National Treasure” Before, Taeyeon sleep walked and used the elevator several time while sleeping. She takes utensils and other things with her on broadcasting stations so that she would be ready when other members need them.  she likes tigers, puppies, and cats. Her favorite season is Winter. She will choose friendship over love. Taeyeon’s common sleep talk phrase is ‘More! More!’ which made Yoona (her former roommate) laugh so hard that she had a hard time falling asleep. She wants to visit America and Japan. Taeyeon’s roomate is sunny. One of her ideal men is Vegeta from Dragon Ball Z her most treasured object is her Training jogging pants that she wears She can fall asleep anywhere. She and Jessica are best out of the 9 when it comes to Highest Vocals. She has 5 piercings. Her height is 1.82 m. She loves to touch nicole’s(Kara) Butt. She envies Sooyoung’s short hair that she copied it. She was asked once, “How do you disteress” ans she answered, ” Think of something else; listen to music to divert mood.” She used to play Violin.


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